Monday 18 April 2011


Here it goes !!! WOW !!!

I never thought I'd write a blog about this but over the years and all the the pain I think its best I share my story. Either to help someone in the same place or to stop it from happening to someone else.  But I must admit to help me deal with it !!!

First some info about me I'm a 34 year old father of 2 great little boys they are the loves of my life. I am also a husband married 8 years. It is this marriage that has given me my two little boys and also created so much hurt and pain in my life.

I met my wife 10 yrs ago it was all so surreal kind of like a movie. Things were so good we fell in love and got married. I must say she was the love of my life I loved her more and more every day my life was perfect. I had everything I ever wanted a partner in life a great mother and a best friend. Little did I know how that was all about to change my life was going to be ripped apart bye the one person I counted on the most the one person I trusted with my life....

It happened approx 4 years ago I noticed my wife changing something was different. Tell you the truth it was my subconscious that picked it up and one weird moment in time that I realized she was cheating on me. One thing I must disclose is my wife had just gone back to work after having are second son. I was under the impression life was good we had just moved into are new house (her dream home).We had built it while she was off watching are new little addition to the family. Boy this is tuff never thought I'd rehash this!!!! OK where was I ? So she was back at work for about 3 months she had started in a new department she wanted a change. She had seemed distant and made very odd remarks to me about me needing more of someone like me. I must admit I am passionate and very loving. It had a lot to do with the love and respect I developed for her for having are children and doing such a good job bringing them into this world. Anyways she was becoming distant and focusing more on work.
One night I went to bed and had the strangest dream. In the dream she was cheating on me with someone else. I woke up immediately and looked over at her and remember thinking never its just a dream.... Isn't it ??? A couple days went buy and the dream was haunting me I was standing in the kitchen I will never remember that day it was sunny and bright there were clouds scattered through out the sky the wind was moving them quickly. I was leaning against the island and looked up at the clock everything was so still and quite. When I looked up it was 1:13pm !!! Right there and then I new she was cheating on me !!! Why ??? You see all my life since I could remember there has been a number that has always meant something weather good or bad it has always shown itself when something was going on either good or bad. Its was the first time in many years that I had looked at the clock and seen that number. I know it sounds weird or whatever but what can I say it is just what it is !!!! That's how it happened and from that day on I noticed more and more that she was behaving different. So like anyone would do I looked for proof and waited until my gut feeling was right. One day I sat down and figured out her email password and that's when my suspicion's were proved correct. But that's not the day my world fell apart. That was just the beginning what was about to happen was a nightmare that I had never in a million years thought could happen to me.

I will pick this up later I have never told anyone this and recounting this all is very over whelming !!!
Also my oldest son is sick and he is calling me !!!!

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